Michael Ivins founding member and Flaming Lip of 38 years wields a Bass VI with an array of guitar effects and Jules Kean armed with her turquoise Gretsch beauty and melodic vocals formed The Lolly Bombs in 2021. Their music is best described as “Passionate Pop Rock with an Edgy Twang”. Ivins and Kean have self produced 8 singles in their home DIY style since 2021. Their full length album is expected to be released in 2025. You can find their bombastic repertoire on all streaming services.

The Lolly Bombs sound encompasses a wide range of musical influences blended and refracted through their own unique vision to make movies through sound - “A Lolly Pop for your soul.”

In November of 2023, The Lolly Bombs were honored to play their first live performances at The Sidepony Express Music Festival in Bisbee AZ with Nathan Roberts (drums) and David Jablonski (guitar). In 2024, The Lolly Bombs embarked on their first DIY tour as a duo from coast to coast including Soul Bar Augusta GA, Kirby’s Witchita KS, Rumba Cafe Columbus OH, Spazz Fest Greenville NC among others and soon met up with the full band for shows at Healer Indianapolis IN, Nachbar Louisville KY, Resonant Head Oklahoma City OK (to name a few). It’s an adventure of sorts, but their love of making music together keeps them trekking along and so they continue sharing their “fuzzy sunshine music” in hopes of uniting the world in peace and love.

Julia Kean

Julia was raised by a musical and artistic family. She was born from a rock n roll mother (Diane of The Mystics) and an “old school” bluegrass lovin, saxaphone playin iron worker poet. Jules sings and dances her way through life. From piano lessons to teaching herself guitar with a Mel Bay book, hippy dancing at drum circles, singing in a Schola church group with her grandmother and family sing-a-longs are a past time fave! Julia moved to LA chasin dreams! Her BIG dream came true when she met and fell in love with Michael, the love of her life. Together, they form The Lolly Bombs!

Michael Ivins

Michael is the former bass player and a founding member of The Flaming Lips (1983-2021). Soon after his departure, he began a new musical adventure with his partner Julia.

trippy pop


LOLLY Bombed: getting hit by an unexpected love explosion in your heart


Edgy dream pop rock with a twang


Dream it


A lollipop for your soul


Lolly Pop


trippy pop 🧡 LOLLY Bombed: getting hit by an unexpected love explosion in your heart 💛 Edgy dream pop rock with a twang ❤️ Dream it 🐬 A lollipop for your soul 🍭 Lolly Pop 🕶️

The Lolly Bombsのキャッチーで人懐っこくて愛に溢れた音作りがとても好きです。
思わず口ずさみたくなる素晴らしいメロディの”Betwixt Fear And High Key”や、50’s~60’sR&Bの匂いと一緒にキラキラした日差しが窓から入り込んで来るような”Cherry POP!”、ファルセットのリフレインとガールズバンドを思わせるパンキッシュなボーカルがとってもクールな”Lolly Pop Gurrl”、そして、ドリーミーポップなアレンジを施した”Maybe Here”は感動的な名曲です。
— 松尾知生(ははの気まぐれ)
The former bassist for The Flaming Lips makes fuzzy, sunshine music with his wife.
— Lauren G (Elle-Oran-ge)

Photo Credit:Brett Ridler

Photo Credit:Brett Ridler

I love the Lolly Bombs’ catchy, friendly, and loving sound.
The beautiful melody of “Betwixt Fear And High Key” makes me want to sing along.
”Cherry POP!” feels like sparkling sunlight coming in through the window, with the tastes like 50’s and 60’s R&B.
”Lolly Pop Gurrl” is really cool with its falsetto refrain also punkish vocals reminds me of a girl’s band, and “Maybe Here” with a dressed up dreamy pop arrangement is definitely a masterpiece.
— Chisho (Haha No Kimagure)

for booking and contact info: tekbot@gmail.com